Director of Children’s Services
Genesee Health System
Elizabeth Burtch, who holds a master’s degree in social work, is director of children’s services for Genesee Health System, the public community mental health entity for Flint and Genesee County. As a young mental health clinician working with children at the onset of the Flint water crisis, Burtch rapidly assumed a prominent and often challenging leadership role to increase mental health knowledge, acceptance and resources. Her leadership abilities quickly became evident, as she demonstrated innovation, resourcefulness, determination and community connectedness.
Burtch is responsible for developing several impactful and lasting resources related to the water crisis, such as launching Flint’s first community Mobile Mental Health Unit, which continues to serve Genesee County schoolchildren. Additionally, she formed one of the largest and most impactful community outreach groups, employing dozens of Flint citizens to assist in water crisis and mental health outreach efforts, a resource that also continues today. She has made numerous public appearances, participated in community committees and workgroups and overseen several large grant-funded projects, all to benefit children and families in support of mental health.
Burtch is also a member of Community Health Accreditation Partner, a community collaboration group mostly focused on sharing child and family resources; Flint Registry Outreach Group, which is largely involved with sharing community resources and updates related to the water crisis; Greater Flint Health Coalition: Community Resource Platform, which focuses on community referrals and addressing gaps in community resources; and Flint Recovery Group, which aims to move Flint toward recovery from the water crisis.