Shredded paper and water bottles for recycling

Recycled paper and plastics fueling a ‘Green’ economic engine in Flint & Genesee

Darren McDunnough likes to joke that there are two types of green associated with his recycling-based business. The first involves the monetary rewards of running a profitable operation, said the president of McDunnough Inc. of Fenton. The second refers to the environmental benefits of taking pieces of scrap plastic from manufacturing sites and reconstituting them Continue Reading

The Landaal brothers at Landaal Packaging Systems

Sustainability embedded in Landaal Packaging System’s organizational and operational DNA

(Pictured above, from l-r: Matt Landaal, Robert Landaal, Mark Landaal and Jay Landaal) You might say “generations” is a common theme at Burton-based Landaal Packaging Systems. On the one hand, the 63-year-old company is now under its third generation of family leadership. And in a completely different sense, much of the cardboard that it turns Continue Reading

Corporate partners lead effort to help transform Flint & Genesee with clean, renewable energy

(Photo credit: Consumers Energy) The announcement earlier this year that two General Motors facilities in Genesee County will use only clean energy over the next couple of decades helped juice a steady trend that is occurring locally, statewide and nationally. GM’s agreement with Consumers Energy calls for only clean energy use at its Flint Assembly Continue Reading

Ribbon cutting of Butter

On the Move

On the Move features and celebrates Flint & Genesee businesses’ grand openings, staff promotions, new hires, recognition and milestones (Featured above) Operation Grow, LLC (d.b.a. butter), 1110 Tower St. in Flint, on Feb. 1. A cannabis cultivation facility. Promotions, New Hires and Recognition Patrick Scanlon is the new executive director of Flint River Watershed Coalition Continue Reading

Protecting and promoting ‘our beautiful watershed’: The passion fueling the Flint River Watershed Coalition’s new executive director

You just became the executive director of the Flint River Watershed Coalition  (FRWC). How did you come to this role? I was first introduced to the Flint River Watershed Coalition when I was in college. While pursuing a degree in wildlife biology at the University of Michigan-Flint, some of the classes helped FRWC volunteers with identifying Continue Reading