Professional Engineer
Wade Trim
Tanner Kragenbrink graduated from Michigan Technological University in 2015 with a Bachelor of Science in civil engineering and joined Wade Trim as part of the Municipal Services Group. Upon completing four years of professional experience, he passed his engineering exam to become a licensed professional engineer in Michigan. His primary focus is providing stormwater management solutions to governmental entities, including county drain commissions, cities and villages throughout mid-Michigan.
After completing Wade Trim’s project management training program, his duties expanded to client management, responsible for project budgets and timelines. Kragenbrink recently completed a weeklong training in North Carolina for stream mechanics to learn more about stream restoration processes and the tools for stream design. Stream mechanics is a critical element in stream restoration and is widely recognized as a best management practice by Michigan regulators. Kragenbrink is among the few in Michigan with this certification that is used to assess existing conditions including hydrology, floodplain connectivity and biology.
He is also involved in the Flint River restoration project, which upon completion will be part of Genesee County’s first state park.
Kragenbrink also serves as the Flint office leader of the Wade Trim Young Professionals Group and has been involved with the Michigan Society of Professional Engineers (MSPE) since joining Wade Trim in 2015, serving as vice president for the Thumb Region since 2021. The Flint MSPE chapter hosts an annual golf outing to fundraise for scholarships given to high school graduates pursuing a degree in engineering.