TC McClain Enterprises
Taylor “TC” McClain is a passionate woman with multiple interests and an insatiable love of food.
Since 2018, she has served as a legal assistant to Trachelle C. Young, with a resume that has included working for the Flint Water Justice legal team.
During the pandemic, she found comfort and inspiration watching The Food Network, which sparked her creativity and planted seeds for her entrepreneurial endeavors. In 2022, she founded the annual The Culture Matters Cooking Competition, a platform for culinary artists to showcase their talents and celebrate community and culinary diversity.
In 2023, McClain took on the role of program coordinator for Gottagetit and The Power Initiative where she developed the curriculum for a children’s cooking class. Launched in January 2024, the class aims to instill a love for cooking, cultural exploration, and important life skills. Her hope is that it enriches young lives through a harmonious celebration of culture, cuisine, and efficient project management.
In her spare time, McClain is active in the community and participates frequently in activities, meetings, and events with both the Flint & Genesee Young Professionals and the Flint & Genesee Chamber’s African American Advisory Committee.
She has a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice and sociology from the University of Michigan-Flint.