Fund Development and Marketing Manager
Communities First, Inc.
Kathryn Linehan’s passion for equitable housing, community health, and the arts motivates her to meet any challenges with optimism, creativity, and resilience. As fund development and marketing manager at Communities First, Inc., Linehan has secured $13 million since 2021 for real estate developments and community programming in Flint and Genesee County. Her work has helped ensure that area families and communities can thrive with the resources needed to succeed.
Linehan also enhances community sustainability through key fundraising to support investments such as restoring the historic Flint Masonic Temple and the Community Enrichment Center in North Flint.
Beyond her work in fund development, Linehan has managed volunteer opportunities in Flint representing over 1,600 volunteer hours in the last year. From leading teams of AmeriCorps NCCC service members working to beautify city neighborhoods and parks to helping market and engage volunteers for the Movies Under the Stars film series, Linehan’s work ensures residents are empowered and represented in critical spaces. She also led Communities First’s strategic outreach and marketing, reaching 18,000 people. In addition, she has interviewed and transcribed conversations with 29 residents as part of the Narrative Library Project to preserve their stories.
Linehan is a proud Genesee County resident and volunteers with the Flint Institute of Arts Community Gala Committee, the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan Greater Flint Advisory Committee, and the planning committee for the GatHERing, a women’s living history project and empowerment collaborative.
She graduated from James Madison College at Michigan State University with a dual major in social relations and policy as well as political theory and constitutional democracy.