Men and women marathon runners run down a street in downtown Flint

Explore Flint & Genesee, attracting visitors and boosting our economy

Tourism is an important economic driver. Visitors to a destination bring new dollars into a community that support area hotels, attractions, restaurants, and small businesses. What’s more, as the Michigan Center for Data and Analytics reports, hospitality and tourism is responsible for almost 10% of all employment in Michigan. We see this reflected in Genesee Continue Reading

Staff and chamber members line up in back of a large blue ribbon for a ribbon cutting outside the 2nd Street Learning building.

On the Move

On the Move features and celebrates Flint & Genesee businesses’ grand openings, staff promotions, new hires, recognition, and milestones (Featured above) 2nd Street Learning, 1102 Mackin Road in Flint, June 3 Promotions, New Hires and Recognition Dr. Bobby Mukkamala has been named president-elect of the American Medical Association (AMA), the nation’s largest physician organization. Mukkamala Continue Reading